Community Projects
DRUPA SCHOLARSHIP - Through the generosity of a now deceased member the Garden Club provides a sizable scholarship for students enrolled in environmental majors.
OTSININGO PARK - We plant and maintain the entrance garden to the park. This mature garden has been enhanced by our additions of colorful perennials and seasonal annuals. In the Summer of 2010 we dedicated a Blue Star Memorial marker here.
ARBOR DAY TREE PLANTING - A native tree or shrub will be selected and planted.
ADOPT AN ANIMAL BECOME A ZOO PARENT - To allow the club to contribute directly to the care of a favorite zoo animal, thereby providing support of the Binghamton Zoo at Ross Park. We have adopted Newman, the Reindeer at the Ross Park Zoo.
NEW YORK STATE FAIR - To help promote the New York State Fair Horticulture Center by providing volunteers in a variety of settings, and to encourage the membership to enter designs for display and judging.